Identifying heirs in Turkey

  • 1 Minuten Lesezeit

In principle, recipients of heirs have contact with the testator and are immediately considered as beneficiaries of the estate and receive their share. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes it becomes necessary to identify heirs or other possible relatives of the testator who have not yet been identified.

The probate court or appointed estate curator may carry out the investigation themselves. However, it is also possible for this investigation to be carried out by a third party.

Some inheritance proceedings, which are carried out in accordance with law of foreign nations, concern people of Turkish origin. As a result, an heir investigation in Turkey is necessary. In order to carry out such cross-border investigations, you need a reliable partner abroad. As a lawyer and sworn translator, I offer identification and translation of Turkish-language documents. We take care of the translation and certification of the power of attorney as well as other documents, such as the testator's ID, etc. After the commission and agreement on the fee, we begin the research. The information and documents collected are forwarded; if necessary, these documents are translated, certified by notaries and/or apostilles and, if necessary, delivered by post. In this way, the investigative work is done easily and by hand. Since we carry out our work professionally and in accordance with data protection regulations, we need an authorization or sub-authorization in order to legally carry out this activity in Turkey.

We are available at any time for further information and cooperation.

Attorney Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ercan Yasar


Tel/Whatsapp: 00 90 553 692 02 79

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