EU Blue Card - What salary limits apply in 2024?
- 1 Minuten Lesezeit
The EU Blue Card is an essential residence permit that was created at EU level to make the immigration of skilled workers from third countries more attractive. Among other things, holders of an EU Blue Card can apply for a permanent residence permit after 21 months instead of 4 years if they can prove that they have German language skills at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Since 1 March 2024, it has even been possible for holders of a Blue Card to apply for a settlement permit after just 27 months in Germany, even if they have a basic knowledge of German. In addition, the possibilities for family reunification have been extended as of 1 March 2024. EU Blue Card holders will also be able to bring their parents and even parents-in-law to Germany.
In addition to a university degree recognised in Germany, a certain minimum salary must be paid by the employer.
This salary threshold was significantly lowered by the Act on the Further Development of Skilled Labour Immigration.
- General minimum threshold since January 2024: 45,300 euros gross (previously: 58,400 euros gross)
- General minimum threshold for shortage occupations and new starters since January 2024: 41,041.80 euros
Shortage occupations include engineers, scientists, doctors and architects.
The new law has also significantly expanded the list of shortage occupations: pharmacists, teachers, academically trained managers in child and elderly care as well as veterinarians and dentists also fall under the privileged group of people.
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